
HPE is a Performing Arts School

The E. Claire Raley Studios for the Performing Arts (CLARA) is excited to announce a formal partnership with Hollywood Park Elementary School beginning this Fall 2017. This partnership was established with Hollywood Park to provide greater arts access to SCUSD students and additional opportunities for arts exposure and integration in the classroom. CLARA will build on the existing music and visual arts programs currently offered at the school to provide year-round performing arts residencies for each grade level (K-6). Residencies will be taught by the 7 tenant organizations located at CLARA including Sacramento Ballet, Capital Stage, and Sacramento Preparatory Music Academy. Programming includes a culturally diverse array of classes in dance, music and theatre including Irish dance, Brazilian drumming, and French arts and culture. It is CLARA’s hope that the supplemental arts education provided to these students will grow their creative capacity and ability to lead with innovation while enhancing the skills needed for 21st century learning.