The E. Claire Raley Studios for the Performing Arts (CLARA) is
excited to continue a formal partnership with Hollywood Park
Elementary School. Our pilot year, during the 2017-2018 school
year was a huge success! We can’t wait to begin our 7th year with
This partnership was established with Hollywood Park to provide
greater arts access to SCUSD students and additional
opportunities for arts exposure and integration in the classroom.
Social and emotional learning (SEL) enhances
students’ capacity to integrate skills, attitudes, and behaviors
to deal effectively and ethically with daily tasks and
Self-Management = The ability to successfully
regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different
situations — effectively managing stress, controlling impulses,
and motivating oneself; the ability to set and work toward
personal and academic goals.
Our goal is to give our students a well-rounded education that
encourages them to develop a passion for learning, to show
empathy for one another, and to become real-world
In order to educate the whole child, we work hard to provide
enrichment opportunities for all of our students. Here are
some of the programs we offer:
To report your student’s absence, please complete this
webform or call the office at (916) 395-4695.
Read each option thoroughly and select the reason that best
describes your student’s absence. Please note that office staff
may call to verify as necessary.
Allow 1-2 school days for attendance to be processed.