⭐️ HPE Super Stars ⭐️
As a staff, we are dedicated to your child’s education. We take pride in providing a well-rounded and rigorous curriculum that includes Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Art, and much more.
Our students learn computer skills and use technology and the Internet as tools for learning and research. We provide English Langaugae Development and Access to the Core for those students who need interventions. We are also implementing our instruction through the Common Core State Standards that focus on a deep understanding of the instructional content.
In addition to our instructional focus, we emphasize Character Education and Social Emotional Learning as well. Students are taught that it is what we do that defines us. We want our students to be academically sound, socially fair, and globally aware.
Our goal is to provide the best possible educational experience for our students. We can’t do this without you. Families + Students + Teachers = Success. We invite you to get involved in your child’s education. Please join the PTO, volunteer in a classroom, and support school functions & fundraisers.
We look forward to another great year at Hollywood Park
Elementary School…Home of the Super Stars!!